Thursday, June 30, 2016

Zurich Insurance Malaysia.
Favour8 investment; Pay for 8 years get returns for 20 years
Shape your future with rewards along the way.
Zurich Insurance Favour8 is an endowment plan that offers generous guaranteed cash back plus potential returns through its investment feature. For a short premium payment commitment of 8 years, it plans for your future 20 years ahead.
An attractive plan that requires you to pay your premiums for 8 years only and get to enjoy the long term cash savings and protection over 20 years.
Your premium will be split 70% guaranteed cash back, another 30% goes into investment linked funds (vulture & global fund)
Have death & total permanent disability benefits
You will receive guaranteed cash back yearly starting from the end of your 1st policy year up till the end of your 20th policy year. These generous pay outs throughout the policy term will add up to 120% of your policy's basic sum assured, and do not affect the sum of your policy’s maturity benefits.
Feel free to contact us for more information.

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